

9th Tunisian Workshop on Embedded Systems Design

June 16-18, 2023 in Mahdia, Tunisia


The main objective of this training is to familiarize participants with the embedding concept of machine learning algorithms, in particular deep learning models on edge devices. This training includes software programming as well as Hardware implementation on an embedded platform. The training will be conducted over three sessions with hands on lab.


The program of the training is as follows:
  • Session1 (8:30-10:30): Design and build models
    1. Data preparation
    2. Model building (TF/Keras)
    3. Model training (custom dataset)
    4. Model conversion (TF lite)
    5. Comparative evaluation (Quantization/ Pruning/…etc)
  • Session 2 (10:45-12:45): Transfer learning
    1. Data preparation
    2. Pre-trained model retrieval
    3. Transfer learning
  • Session3 (14:00-16:30): RaspberryPi implementation
    1. Setting up a development environment on the RaspberryPi.
    2. TF lite model implementation
    3. Performance evaluation
For more details, you can download the Call for Training.
To participate, please fill in this use form.









TWESD 2023

June 16-18, 2023

El-Mouradi Hotel, Mahdia, Tunisia