ICM 2011
Click here to download the ICM Conference
Calendar in PDF Format
Time |
19th of
December |
Tuesday , 20th of December
Wednesday, 21st of December |
Thursday, 22nd
December |
08h00-08h30 |
Registration |
Registration |
Registration |
Registration |
08h30-09h00 |
Keynote 2 |
Keynote 3 |
09h00-09h30 |
Conference Opening |
09h30-10h00 |
Keynote 1 |
Session |
VLSI Architect. for Multim. Appli. |
TN-CEDA Chapter student contest
Special Session
VLSI Architectures
10h00-10h30 |
10h30-11h00 |
Coffee Break |
11h00-11h10 |
Analog Circuits
NoC &
SoC Architect.
Devices Model. I
11h10-11h30 |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
11h30-12h00 |
Wireless & RF Sys. |
CAD for
TN-CAS Chapter
student contest |
Round Table |
12h00-12h30 |
12h30-12h40 |
12h40-13h00 |
13h00-13h10 |
Conference Closing |
13h10-13h30 |
Lunch |
13h30-14h00 |
Tutorials |
Lunch |
14h00-14h30 |
14h30-15h00 |
Circuits & MEMS
Digital Circuits
electronics |
15h00-15h30 |
Social Events & Dinner |
15h30-15h40 |
15h40-16h00 |
16h00-16h30 |
16h30-17h00 |
Coffee Break |
17h00-17h30 |
Session |
Model. II |
17h30-18h00 |
18h00-18h40 |
here to download the ICM Program in PDF
ICM’11 Conference > Monday 19th
of December |
09:00- |
Registration |
13:30-18:00 |
Tutorial 1:
RFID Technology: A methodology of evaluating
its impact through modelling and simulation |
Habib Hamam
Professor - Univ. of Moncton, Canada
Abderrazak Hachani
Professor - ESPRIT, Tunisia
13:30-18:00 |
Tutorial 2:
Current-Mode Analog Processing: Circuits
Design and Applications |
Hervé Barthélemy
Professor - IM2NP, Univ. of Sud Toulon Var,
Stéphane Meilleire
Professor - IM2NP, Ecole Polytechnique
Universitaire de Marseille, France
13:30-18:00 |
Tutorial 3:
HEVC/H.265 |
Mohamed Ali Ben Ayed
Associate Professor - Sfax High Institute of
Electronics and Communication, Univ. of Sfax,
Faouzi Kossentini
President & CEO of eBrisk Video Inc,
ICM’11 Conference > Tuesday, 20th
of December |
08:00-09:00 |
Registration |
09:00-09:30 |
Conference Opening |
09:30-10:30 |
Keynote 1 |
Sofiène Tahar - Univ. of Concordia,
Montreal, Canada
The Growth of the Microelectronics Industry
and its Contribution to Economic and
Intellectual Transformation – The Case of
Malaysia and Far-East Countries
Keynote speaker:
Machkuri Yaacob
President - Univ. of UNITEN, Malaysia
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-13:00 |
A1: Analog Circuits |
Hervé Barthelemy - IM2NP, Univ. of Sud
Toulon Var, France
An analytical model of the oscillation
period for tri-state inverter based DCO
Mehdi Terosiet, Sylvain Feruglio, Patrick
UPMC Univ. of Paris 06, LIP6, France
A PWM Controller with Table Look-up for
DC-DC Class E Buck/Boost Conversion
Steve Hung-Lung Tu, Hsin-Wei Yeh, Fu Jen
Univ. of Catholic, Taiwan
A Phase-Locked Loop with Multi-State PFD and
Phase Compensation Techniques
Feng-Lin Chiu, Steve Hung-Lung Tu, Fu Jen
Univ. of Catholic, Taiwan
Butterworth Passive Filter in the Fractional
- Order
Soltan, A. G. Radwan, A. M. Soliman,
Univ. of Fayoum / Univ. of Cairo, Egypt
Tunable Second Order Bi-quad Filter using
Current Conveyor based FPAA
Eman A. Soliman, Soliman A. Mahmoud, Ahmed
Univ. of Sharjah, UAE / Cairo Univ., Egypt
Fourth Order Filter Structures Using
Operational Trans-resistance Amplifiers
Nabil I. Khachab, Sara M. Naeim
Univ. of Kuwait, Kuwait
11:00-13:00 |
B1: NoC & SoC Architectures |
Zied Marrakchi -
FlexRAS, LIP6, France
A New Pipelined Network Interface for
Network on Chip with latency and jitter
B. Attia, W. Chouchene, N. Abidd, A.
Zitouni, K. Torki, R. Tourki
FSM, Tunisia / CMP-Grenoble, France
Toward all optical interconnections in chip
M.Channoufi, P.Lecoy, R.Attia,
EPT, Tunisia / ENSEA-Paris,
CRISMATNXPSemiconductors, France
Design and Performance evaluation of on chip
network with Transaction Level Modeling
Nourddine Abid, Chouchene Wissem, Brahim
Attia, Abdelrim Zitouni, Rached Tourki
FSM, Tunisia
Area/Delay Driven NoC Synthesis
Abir M‟zah, Omar Hammami
Ensta ParisTech, France
Towards Dynamic Cache Block Placement for
Multi-processor NUCA
Mohamed Salah Souahi, Smail Niar,Mohamed
Zahran, Mohamed Ben Mohamed
Univ. of Tebessa, Algeria / Univ. of
Valenciennes, France / Poytechnic Institute
of NewYork, USA / Univ. of Constantine,
Online First Fit Algorithm for Modeling the
Problem of Configurable Cache Architecture
Asmaa Bengueddach, Smail Niar
Univ. of Oran, EsSenia Algeria / Univ. of
Valenciennes, France
Hardware Task Placement in Operating Systems
for Dynamically Reconfigurable SoC
Adnen Albouchi, Bouraoui Ouni, Abdellatif
FSM, National Engineering School of Sousse,
11:00-13:00 |
C1: Devices Modeling and Characterization I |
Stéphane Meilleire
- IM2NP, Ecole Polytechnique Univ.
Of Marseille, France
TSV Model Linearization
Khaled Mohamed, Alaa El-Rouby, Yehea Ismail,
Hani Ragai
Extrinsic Extraction Procedure for a
Small-Signal GAN-HEMT Model
M. Laredj, L. Degachi, A. Birafane, T. Wu,
A.B. Kouki, D. Gratton, F.M. Ghannouchi
ETS Montreal / Canadian Space Agency / Univ.
of Calgary, Canada
A scheme for measuring and extracting
Level-1 parameters of FET Device applied
toward POSFET sensors array
Arun Kumar Sinha, Maurizio Valle
Univ. of Genova, Italia
Interest of surface treatment at gate oxide
level for power MOSFETs quality and
Emilie Pomès, Jean-Michel Reynès, Patrick
Tounsi, Jean-Marie Dorkel
CNRS ; LAAS, Freescale Semiconductor SAS,
Synchronization of Two RCL Shunted Josephson
Mohamed Zribi, Nabil Khachab, Moneera
Univ. of Kuwait, Kuwait
Retargetable Multi-level Debugging in HW/SW
Jakub Křoustek, Zdeněk Přikryl, Dušan Kolář,
Tomáš Hruška
Univ. of Brno Technology, Czech Republic
13:00-14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30-16:30 |
A2: RF Circuits and MEMS |
Brahim Mezghani - ENIS, Tunisia
From 2D to 3D FEM simulations of a CMOS MEMS
convective accelerometer
B. Mezghani, A. Brahim, F. Tounsi, M.
Masmoudi, A.A. Rekik, P. Nouet
ENIS, Tunisia / Univ. of Montpellier 2,
A 5 V MEMS Gyroscope with 3 aF/deg/s
Sensitivity, 0.6 deg/(hr^0.5) Mechanical
Noise and Drive-Sense Crosstalk Minimization
Mohannad Elsayed, Frederic Nabki, Mohamad
Sawan, Mourad El-Gamal
Univ. of McGill, EPM, Canada
Power Gating of VLSI Circuits Using MEMS
Switches in Low Power Applications
Hosam Shobak, Mohamed Ghoneim, Nawal El
Boghdady, Sarah Halawa, Sophinese Iskander,
Mohab Anis
AUC, Cairo, Egypt
Design of a Low-Power 1.5-Stage Current
Reuse RF Front-End for GPS Band
Hossein Jalili, Ali Fotowat-Ahmady
Univ. of Sharif, Iran
Calibration of Output-Match and its Center
Frequency for an Inductively Degenerated Low
Noise Amplifier
Sami Mahersi, Hassene Mnif, Mourad Loulou
LETI-ENIS, Univ. of Sfax,Tunisia
A Dual Band Wireless Power and DPSK Data
Telemetry for Biomedical Implants
Aymen Ghenim, Dhouha Daoud, Mohamed Ghorbel,
Ahmed Ben Hamida, Jean Tomas
LETI-ENIS, Tunisia / IMS, Univ. of Bordeaux
, France
14:30-16:30 |
B2: Digital Circuits |
Smail Niar - Univ. of Valenciennes, France
The Effect of Numerical Techniques on
Differential Equation Based Chaotic
M. Affan Zidan, A. G. Radwan, K. N. Salama
Univ. of Cairo, Egypt / KAUST, KSA
A Stoppable Four-Phase Clock Generator For
Low-power and Low-Noise Applications
Mounir Zid, Alberto Scandurra, Rached
Tourki, Carlo Pistritto
FSM, Tunisia / OCCS, Italy
Migrating Single FPGA Chip Multiprocessor
with Network on Chip to 65nm & 45nm ASIC
Omar Hammami
Ensta ParisTech, France
Software implementation of the OSIRIS iris
recognition algorithm in FPGA
Raida Hentati, Bernadette Dorizzi, Mohamed
CES-ENIS, Tunisia / IT-SudParis, France
Design, Implementation and Analysis of Fully
Digital 1-D Controllable Multiscroll Chaos
S. Mansingka, A. G. Radwan, K. N. Salama
KAUST, KSA / Univ. of Cairo, Egypt
Process-Temperature-Frequency adaptive
voltage scaled SRAM system for power
JiaFeng Zhu, Na Bai, JianHui Wu
Univ. of SouthEast, China
An FPGA-Based Implementation of HW/SW
architecture for CFAR Radar Target Detector
Ridha Djemal, Kais Belwafi, Saleh A.
Univ. of King Saud, KSA / ENISO, Sousse,
14:30-16:30 |
C2: Nanoelectronics |
Hassene Mnif – ISECS, Tunisia
An Approach to realize High Value Resistance
using PMOS Device at Weak Inversion for
POSFET sensor
Arun Kumar Sinha, Maurizio Valle
Univ. of Genova, Italy
New Design of Single-Electron Transistor for
Single-Electron Memory Application at Room
Touati Amine, Sghaier Nabil, Kalboussi Adel
FSM / IPEIN, Tunisia
Use of Flat Miniature Heat Pipes for the
Thermal Management of Electronic Packages
Mohamed Chaker Zaghdoudi, Christian
Tantolin, Claude Sarno
INSAT, Tunisia / Thales Avionics, France
Hybrid Memristor-CMOS Memory Cell: Modeling
and Design
Baker Mohammad, Dirar Homouz, Omar Al
Rayahi, Hazem Elgabra, Ahmed Saleh Al Hosani
Univ. of Khalifa, UAE
An Efficient Model for Delay Estimation of
MWCNT Interconnect
Morteza Gholipour, Nasser Masoumi
Univ. of Tehran, Iran
A Comprehensive Smart and Stochastic
Methodology for Optimum Wire Segmentation in
Nano Scale FPGAs
Anahita Bagheri, Nasser Masoumi
Univ. of Kerman / Univ. of Tehran, Iran
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
17:00-18:40 |
A3: Special Session 1 > Reliability of
System on Chip |
Bertrand Granado - Univ. of Cergy Pointoise,
Fakhreddine Ghaffari - Univ. of Cergy
Pointoise, France
Low Cost Test for Catastrophic Faults in
CMOS Operational Transcondutor
Mahmoud M.
Fouad, Hassanein H. Amer, Ahmed H. Madian,
M. B. AbdelHalim
Univ. of
Cairo / AUC / EAEA / AASTMT, Egypt
Error Flatten Logarithm Approximation for 3D
Mengyao Zhu
Univ. of
Shanghai, China
A New Efficient Self-Checking Hsiao SECDED
Memory Error Correcting Code
Fradi Aymen,
Belgacem Hamdi, Chiraz Khedhiri
ISSAT, Sousse
/ EML, Monastir, Tunisia
Analog Fault Diagnosis by Inverse Problem
R. F. Ahmed, A. G. Radwan, A. H. Madian, A.
M. Soliman
Univ. of
Fayoum / Univ. of Cairo / EAEA, Egypt
17:00-18:40 |
B3: Devices Modeling and characterization II |
Fakhfakh -
ISECS, Tunisia
A Genetic Neural Network Modeling of GaN
HEMTs for RF Power Amplifiers Design
Anwar Jarndal, Swaroop Pillai, Hussein
Abdulqader, Fadhel M. Ghannouchi
Univ. of Nizwa,
Oman /
Univ. of Calgary, Canada
State Space Modeling of Memristor-Based Wien
Talukdar, A. G. Radwan, K. N. Salama
Univ. of
Univ. of
Cairo, Egypt
Two Port Network Analysis for three
impedance based Oscillators
Lobna A. Said, A. G. Radwan , A. H. Madian,
A. M. Soliman
Univ. of
German in Cairo,
Univ. of
Cairo / Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority,
Performance Improvement of Global
Interconnects Using Combined Techniques of
Low Swing Transceiver and Buffer Insertion
in Nano Technologies
Zohreh Farjad, Nasser Masoumi
Univ. of
Kerman Graduated Technology /
Univ. of
Tehran, Iran
Memristor: Modeling Read and Write
Dirar Homouz, Baker Mohammad, Hazem Elgabra,
Ilyas Farahat
Univ. of
ICM’11 Conference > Wednesday, 21st
of December |
08:00-08:30 |
Registration |
08:30-09:30 |
Keynote 2 |
Mohamed Sawan - Polytechnique Montréal,
“Self-Healing” Design of RF and mm-Wave ICs
Keynote speaker:
Mohammed Ismail El-Naggar
The Analog VLSI Lab-The Ohio State
University, USA
09:30-11:10 |
A4: Special Session 2 > RFID Technology and
Applications |
Habib Hamam - Univ. of Moncton, Canada
Abderazek Hachani - ESPRIT,
A Parking Management System Using Wireless
Rachid Souissi, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Ines
Kammoun, Mohamed Abid
CES-ENIS, Tunisia
An intelligent RFID Checkout for Stores
M.A. Besbes, H. Hamam,
Univ. of Moncton, NB, Canada
RFID Estimation Functions overview
A. Hachani
ESPRIT, Tunisia
RFID overview
Fennani, H. Hamam, and A.O. Dahmane
Univ. of Québec à Trois Rivières / Univ. of
Moncton, Canada
A Microstrip Tag Antenna for RFID
Applications in Health Care
Mehdi Si Moussa, and Ammar B. kouki
LACIME, ETS, Montreal, Canada
09:30-11:10 |
B4: VLSI Architectures for Multimedia
Applications |
Bertrand Granado - Univ. of Cergy Pointoise,
Hardware compression solution based on HWT
for low power image transmission in WSN
Ahmed Chefi, Adel oudani, Gilles Sicard
Tunisia /
College of Info. Tech.,
Sultanate of Oman /
Software Application for Interactive Video
Mhamed Frad, Asma Chaouch, Lamjed Touil,
Abdellatif Mtibaa
FSM, Tunisia
Hardware Realization of Chaos Based Block
Cipher for Image Encryption
Mohamed L. Barakat, Ahmed G. Radwan, Khaled
N. Salama
Univ. of King Abdullah, KSA
An Efficient Hardware Implementation of
Diamond Search Motion Estimation Based on
CAL Dataflow Language
Wajdi Elhamzi, Julien Dubois, Mohamed Atri,
Richard Thavot, Jérôme Gorin, Johel Miteran,
Rached Tourki
FSM, Tunisia / LE2I, Univ. of Burgundy, IT
SudParis, France / EPFL, Switzerland
Improved Masek approach for iris
Walid Aydi, Nouri Masmoudi, Lotfi kamoun
ENIS, Tunisia
Performance analysis and evaluation of
Xenomai with H.264/AVC decoder
M. Kthiri, P. Kadionik, A. Ben Atitallah, B.
Le Gal, H. Lévi
IMS lab.- ENSEIRB-MATMECA, Univ. of Bordeaux
I / Univ. of Sfax, High Institute of
Electronics and Communication, Tunisia
Straightforward Approximation of Bandstop
Transmission Function Synthesized as the
Reflection Function of Bandpass Wave Digital
Ladder Structure
M. Yaseen
Univ. of Assiut, Egypt
09:30-11:10 |
C4: IEEE TN CEDA’s ENG-OPTIM’Contest 2011 |
Mourad Fakhfakh - LETI-ENIS, Tunisia
Mourad Loulou - LETI-ENIS, Tunisia
Coupling PZMI, Neural Network and Genetic
Algorithms to solve EMC problems
J. Ben Hadj Slama, S. Saidi
SAGE-ENISo, University of Sousse, Tunisia
Comparison between PSO and ACO Techniques
for Analog Circuit Performance Optimization
M. Kotti, B. Benhala, M. Fakhfakh, A.
Ahaitouf, B. Benlahbib, M. Loulou, A.
LETI-ENIS, Univ. of Sfax, Tunisia / FST,
Univ. of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fes,
A model driven based CAD tool for mppSoC
M.Ammar, M.Baklouti, M.Abid
CES-ENIS, Univ. of Sfax, Tunisia
Multi-Objective Simulation-Based
Optimization for the Optimal Design of
Analog Circuits
Sallem, M. Fakhfakh, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, M.
LETI-ENIS, Univ. of Sfax, Tunisia /
INAOE, Mexico
11:10-11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30-13:30 |
A5: Wireless Systems and RF Circuits |
Habib Hamam -
Univ. of Moncton, Canada
Towards Time-Quantized Random Sampling for
Multistandard Receiver Baseband Stage
A. Maalej, M. Ben-Romdhane, C. Rebai, A.
Ghazel, P. Desgreys, P. Loumeau
SUP’COM, Tunisia / TELECOM ParisTech, France
Fast and Accurate Behavioural Simulation of
Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer for the
Optimization of the Lock time
S. Sahnoun, A. Fakhfakh, N. Masmoudi, H.
LETI-ENIS, Tunisia / IMS, Univ. Bordeaux,
Frequency Planning For Multi-frequency
Sub-sampling Receiver and Its Application
for UMTS/WLAN and GNSS Receivers
Amr Attaby, Khaled M. Sharaf, M.Marzouk
Univ. of Ain Shams, Egypt
The Fourth Generation 3GPP LTE
Identification for Cognitive Radio
Nouha Alyaoui, Abdennaceur Kachouri, Mounir
LETI-ENIS, Tunisia
Fuzzy Logic Control for Automatic Impedance
Arroyo Huerta José E., Diaz Méndez A.,
Ramirez Cortés J. M., Magana Mario E.
National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics
and Electronics, Mexico / School of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
RF Subsampling GNSS Receiver:Potential
Advantages and Feasibility Study
Rim Barrak, Imen Labidi, Adel Ghazel, Muriel
Muller, Nel Samama
SUP’COM, Univ of Carthage, Tunisia / Telecom
SudParis, France
11:30-13:30 |
B5: CAD for VLSI |
Omar Hammami - Ensta ParisTech, France
A New Hardware Abstraction-Based Framework
to Cope with Analog Design Challenges
Sabeur Lafi, Ammar Kouki, Jean Belzile
ETS-Montreal, Canada
Congestion driven placement for mesh-based
FPGA architecture with local interconnect
Zied Marrakchi, Mariem Turki, Habib Mehrez,
Mohamed Abid
FlexRAS, LIP6, CEA, France / CES, Tunisia
Power Gradient Based Design Space
Exploration in High Level Synthesis for DSP
Pallabi Sarkar, Reza Sedaghat, Anirban
Ryerson Univ., Toronto, Canada
A Methodology for Modeling Embedded
Processors for Architecture Exploration
Ahmed Elhossini, Shawki Areibi, Robert Dony
Univ. of Guelph, School of Engineering,
Formal Verification of Time-Triggered
Ethernet Protocol using PRISM Model Checker
Marwan Ammar, Otmane Ait Mohamed
Univ. of Concordia, Canada
Performance Analysis of Constraint Solvers
for Coverage Directed Test Generation
M.P Jomu George, O. Ait Mohamed
Univ . of Concordia, Canada
11:30-13:30 |
C5: TN-CAS Chapter student contest |
Hassene Mnif – ISECS, Tunisia
Mourad Loulou - LETI-ENIS,
Wavelet Transform based strategy for
Cochlear Implant in Real Time Implementation
Amira Derbel, Mohamed Ghorbel, Mounir Samet
and Ahmed Ben Hamida
ATMS, Univ. of Sfax, Tunisia
An Improved MOS Charge Pump circuit for Low
Voltage Operations and wireless sensor
Rahma Aloulou, Hassene Mnif, Frederic
Alicalapa, Mourad Loulou
LETI, Univ. of Sfax, Tunisia/ Univ. of La
A CMOS 0.35µm, 1.5V Multi-band RF Q-enhanced
LC Band-pass filter
Aymen Ben Hammadi, Mongia Mhiri, Kamel
FSM, Tunisia
Architectural Design of Multi-Mode ΣΔ ADC
Based on Pole Placement Method for WiMAX
Jihene Mallek, Hassene Mnif, Mourad Loulou
LETI-ENIS, Univ. of Sfax, Tunisia
A Wireless Data and Power Recovery for
Biomedical Microsystems Implants
Dhouha Daoud, Mohamed Ghorbel, Jean Tomas
and Ahmed Ben Hamida
ATMS, Univ. of Sfax, Tunisia / IMS, Univ.
of Bordeaux 1, France
Design and Implementation of an active
inductor based LC oscillator
Imen Ghorbel, Wenseslas
Rahajandraibe, Hassene Mnif, Mourad Loulou
and Hervé Barthelemy
LETI, Univ. of Sfax, Tunsia / IM2NP,
Marseille, France
13:30-15:00 |
Lunch |
15:00-22:00 |
Social events & Dinner |
ICM’11 Conference > Thursday, 22nd
of December |
08:00-08:30 |
Registration |
08:30-09:30 |
Keynote 3 |
Smail Niar – Univ. of Valenciennes, France
The Cross-Layer Multi-Dimensional Design
Space of Power, Reliability, Temperature and
Voltage in Highly Scaled Geometries
Keynote speaker:
Fadi J Kurdahi
Univ. of California Irvine, USA
09:30-11:10 |
A6: Special Session 3 > Distributed
Information Processing in WSNs |
Hichem Snoussi -
Univ. of technology of Troyes, France
Energy conservation for image transmission
scheme in wireless sensor networks
Mohsen Nasri, Abdelhamid Helali, Halim
Sghaier, Hassen Maaref
FSM / ISIMM, Tunisia
Experimental study of compressed images
transmission through WSN
Oussama Ghorbel, Issam Jabri, Walid Ayedi,
Mohamed Abid
CES-ENIS, Tunisia
An ID-based User Authentication Scheme for
Wireless Sensor Networks using ECC
Amira Mnif, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Maher Ben
Multi-objective optimization in wireless
sensors networks
Matthieu Le Berre, Faicel Hnaien, Hichem
Univ. of technology of Troyes, France
Diverse Synchronization issues in Wireless
Sensor Networks
Salim el khediri, Abdennaceur Kachouri
ENIS, Univ. of Sfax, Tunisia
09:30-11:10 |
B6: VLSI Architectures |
Abdellatif Mtibaa - ENIM, Tunisia
A Masked Correlated Power Noise Generator
use as a Second Order DPA Countermeasure to
Secure Hardware AES Cipher
Najeh Kamoun, Lilian Bossuet, Adel Ghazel
SUP’COM, Univ. of Carthage, Tunisia
/ Univ. of Lyon,
Design and implementation of Direct Torque
Control of Induction Machine on FPGA
Soufien Gdaim, Abdellatif Mtibaa, Mohamed
Faouzi Mimouni
FSM, Tunisia
A Quality of Service Network on Chip based
on a New Priority Arbitration mechanism
Chouchene wissem, Brahim Attia, Abid
Noureddine, Abdelkrim Zitouni, Rached Tourki
FSM, Tunisia / France
ASIP Design of a Reconfigurable Channel
Estimator for OFDM systems
Medhat Hamdy, Omar A. Nasr, Ahmed F. Shalash
Univ. of Cairo, Egypt
Transistor Level Optimization of
Sub-Pipelined AES Design in CMOS 65nm
Abdallah Alma’aitah, Zine-Eddine Abid
Univ. of Queen’s Kingston, Canada /
11:10-11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30-13:00 |
Round Table |
13:00-13:10 |
Conference Closing |
13:10-14:30 |
Lunch |